Security Camera Cable with CCTV Video
Black Copper CCTV Cable
Discover a wide range of Low and Medium Voltage electric cables
1. Application
CCTV [ables are offered in two types namely 4+1 CCTV [able and 3+1 CCTV [able. Coaxial cables form the carrier for video signal and the other '4 cores' or '3 cores' form the carriers for power. Coaxial cables are designed to transmit the complete video frequency range with minimum distortion or attenuation, making them an excellent choice for [[TV.
2. Insulation
The insulation provided over the conductor is of HOPE with high dielectric strength and low capacitance.
3. Shealth
Coloured PVC Power [ores.
4. Conductor
The central conductor is made of fine wires tin coated electrolytic grade copper.
5. Screen
Annealed tin coated copper 85% coverage approx.
6. Seprator
PETP tape.
6. Standard Colors
White, Gray, Black
6. Packing
Available in 100 mtr. packed in poly pack. 305 mtr. packed in wooden drum.
As per conductor class 5 of 15:8130. For BIS certification details see website ““. FR indicates Flame Retardant.
The number & diameter of conductor strands are for reference only. The actual size may vary. As per 15-694, if the resistance of a cable is within the specified ma,imum limit thenit is accepted asconforming to the nominal cross-sectional area specified for that size.